If you have any questions regarding the Team KY Eviction Diversion Program (KY-EDP) , please review the frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Overview of Team KY Eviction Diversion Program (KY-EDP)

PLEASE NOTE: Due to limitations on funding from U.S. Treasury, KY-EDP will stop accepting applications on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

Federal COVID-19 relief legislation allocated funds from U.S. Treasury for emergency rental assistance. Team Kentucky’s Eviction Diversion Program is described below. Tenants with an active eviction case in their county court may apply by reading the program information and by creating an account.
  • Divert court evictions and keep Kentucky renters housed.
  • Allow landlords to receive payments for back rent for tenants allowed to remain in their units.
  • Provide renters that are ultimately evicted the ability to acquire alternative housing.
  • Avoid the sizeable and long-term public costs of mass evictions and homelessness.
  • All Kentucky counties except Jefferson County and Fayette County (118 of 120 counties)
  • Information on Louisville-Jefferson County eviction relief efforts is available here
  • Apply in Lexington-Fayette County here.
Eligible Tenant applicants must meet ALL of the following:
  • be a renter living in any KY county outside of Jefferson County and Fayette County;
  • have an active eviction court case where lease violations include non-payment of rent;
  • experienced income reduction/loss or other economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • be requesting assistance for their primary residence (address where the applicant lives and sleeps);
  • receive no other form of rental subsidy, such as Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, public housing, USDA-RD rental assistance, HOME, etc.;
  • Have a household income at or below 60% of Area Median Income (AMI). [Click here to look up ANNUAL income limits by county and household size. Click here to look up MONTHLY income limits by county and household size.]; and
  • have not already received 12 months or more of federally funded Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) assistance from the Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund (HHERF).
  • NOTE:
    • Those who own a trailer home and are facing a court eviction for rent for their lot are eligible to apply.
    • Those living with family and paying rent informally are NOT eligible to apply.
    • If a tenant received some type of short-term assistance, this program cannot duplicate payment for a given month but can assist with rent for other months.
    • Tenants facing a court ordered eviction can apply for KY-EDP assistance only once per 12-month period from the initial application date
Eligible Landlords MUST:
  • forgive all late fees, penalties, and interest related to non-payment of rent, and must agree to dismiss court eviction or set aside court-ordered Forcible Detainer Judgements.
  • agree not to evict for any remaining rental arrears until after last month of rent paid by KY-EDP and abide by the terms of the KY-EDP settlement agreement.
  • have a current lease with the tenant as evidenced by court documentation.
  • agree to complete and submit all necessary paperwork for payment.
Form of Assistance
  • Lump sum direct deposit payments to landlords.
Amount of Assistance
  • 100% of back rent owed for up to 3 months + 1-month future rent per 12-month period from application date.
  • Maximum assistance for duration of KY-EDP: 12-months for first time applicants. (Applicant can receive a maximum of 12-months of assistance with a limit of 4-months of assistance per 12-month period from application date).
  • Tenants facing a court ordered eviction can apply once per 12-month period from application date.
  • All prior rental assistance an applicant may have received from the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), which funded the HHERF program, will count against the KY-EDP assistance limits.
  • For eligible tenants who have been evicted and are issued a KY-EDP Emergency Relocation Voucher:
    • The KY-EDP Emergency Relocation Voucher will provide a maximum payment to an alternative landlord of a security deposit plus 2-months future rent per 12-month period from application date.
    • For tenants with less than 3-months of maximum ERAP assistance remaining, KY-EDP can issue an Emergency Relocation Voucher for a security deposit plus 1-month future rent OR an emergency relocation voucher for security deposit only paid to an alternative landlord per 12-month period from application date.
Check Your Income Eligibility

Total number of individuals living in the household?
Total annual household income from your most recent IRS 1040 Tax Return (before taxes and deductions)

Monthly Income (Amount earned over the last 30 days before taxes and deductions)
Email addresses are required to submit an application.
  • If you do not have an email address, click here to learn how to set up a free email account.
  • The tenant must enter an accurate landlord email address in the application.
    • Applications may not be reviewed or processed without a working email address for landlord.
Required documentation from TENANTS:
  • Color copy of state ID.
  • Piece of mail indicating proof of residence if state ID does not match current address.
  • Proof of renter status as evidenced by active eviction court documentation.
  • One of the following may be required to document income:
    • Most recent IRS 1040 tax form
    • Proof of income for the past 30 days (paystubs, unemployment statement, etc.)
    • Letter of eligibility from an income-based program (SNAP, LIHEAP, etc.)
    • Verification of income eligibility from a caseworker or affordable housing professional using this form.
  • Active court documentation demonstrating that the applicant is on rent active court eviction documentation, such as, Court Summons (Form AOC-215: Eviction Notice: Notice of Eviction Hearing Trial by the Court) for an eviction case, a Forcible Detainer Complaint, a Forcible Detainer Judgement, or similar court document.
  • Once approved for KY-EDP rental assistance, both the tenant and landlord will be required to sign the KY-EDP settlement agreement. (Spanish version)
Required documentation from LANDLORDS:
  • Landlord will be required to sign a participation agreement or verbally agree to participate as confirmed by KY-EDP staff.
  • Once the tenant’s application has been approved, the Landlord will be required to complete and submit all required payment documentation, including but not limited to:
    • Direct Deposit Banking Form. Click here to view the document.
    • W-9 from company or individual receiving payment. Click Here to view the document.
    • Agency Authorization Form. Click Here to view the document.
    • Copy of Voided check for direct deposit.
    • Color Photo ID for Landlord.
Additional Information:
  • For a list of other assistance and resources, click here.
  • To learn about eviction relief in Lexington-Fayette County click here.
  • Information on Louisville-Jefferson County eviction relief efforts is available here.
  • Homeowners seeking assistance should click here.
  • Households in need of utility assistance should contact their local Community Action Agency.
  • To appeal a denial of Ky-EDP assistance, follow the instructions on this form.